USA Patriot Act
Customer Identification Requirements
In accordance with Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act, applicants for new accounts are requested to provide current picture identification that verifies identity including name, address and other identifying information.
In some cases, identification will be requested for current account holders if original documentation was not obtained with the opening of the account. In all cases, protection of our customers' identity and confidentiality is our pledge to you.
We proudly support all efforts to protect and maintain the security of our customers and our country.
Online Privacy
Our website has been designed to inform you about the many financial services and benefits available to you as a First National Bank customer. You can visit our site without providing any personal information. At times, however, it may be necessary for you to provide us with personal information so that we may better serve you. Information you have provided will only be used for internal purposes.
You may elect to voluntarily provide us with more specific information, such as when you send us an email. You can help maintain the security of your banking information by not sharing your I.D. or password with anyone.